If you are looking for a bags to invest this fall and beyond, I have rounded up some of my favorite statement bags. There are a lot of things that I consider before splurging on a luxury/designer handbags including the quality, durability, versatility, and uniqueness.
- Do buy a bag you truly love
- Do get a versatile bag, a bag that you can use with different looks and not limited to a style or season
- Do invest in great quality bag. Quality over quantity.
- Don't buy trendy pieces...ask yourself, If it goes out of style tomorrow, will I still love it?
- Don't spend spend full price on bags that can be purchased at discounted price. I personally look out for sales. There are two big sales a year I pay attention to: Around May/June and After Black Friday for most online luxury stores like Net-a-porter, Fwrd, Farfetch, Matches Fashion, Moda Operadi...
- Don't buy on impulse